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From: guy perea <guyperea1@gmail.com>
Date: Sun, 3 Mar 2013 16:19:56 +0800
Subject: Update on Storm in The Mother Lode including Remarks by Bobby
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A dog stands on the far side of Woods Creek in Jamestown where rushing
water washed out a foot bridge.
Storm damage mounts
April 04, 2006
Another round of intense storms rolled into the Mother Lode yesterday
and this morning, causingflooding, evacuations, road wash outs and
lightning strikes.
Following Monday night's record-breaking downpour of 3.38 inches,
Sonora received a record 1.78 inches between yesterday and early
Tuolumne County Fire Marshal Kary Hubbard said six homes have been
evacuated because of flooding.
Seven people were living at one of the houses, a substance abuse
recovery home on Harvard Mine Road in James-town.
The other five households are in MillVilla Manor, off Highway 108
between Sonora and Jamestown. Those homes were evacuated yesterday
after a retaining wall collapsed.
Mary Rogers, one of the Mill Villa residents who had to evacuate, is
staying in a Jamestown motel with her dog, Ty.
"He's so upset," the 69-year-old retired widow said of Ty. "He's
walking around crying. He doesn't know why we're not at home."
Her house is sitting on the edge of a 40-foot cliff where the
retaining wall fell.
Rogers, who does not have flood insurance, said she wanted to sleepin
her house last night. She said if she felt her house go over the edge,
she would grab Ty and seek safety.
"Parts of her yard were literally falling," Hubbard said. "As chunks
of her yard were falling, we said, 'You have to go.' "
Bobby Medina, director of the We Care Sober Living Recovery Home, said
the Jamestown house has flooded twice during the past week.
Inside the bare house yesterday, the carpet was saturated and the
walls were peeling.
The home's seven residents are nowat an area motel.
"This is very devastating," Medina said. "This place is suppose to
Office buildings, such as the Amador-Tuolumne Community Action Agency
across from Sonora High School, flooded, as did the Tuolumne County
Ambulance Stationon Sanguinetti Road.
The station had about five inches ofwater in it yesterday.
A Baseline Conservation Camp inmate crew spent yesterday filling
sandbags and digging ditches at the station.
Computers and training equipment were damaged in the flooding.
"(The station) is such a vital resource in the county," Hubbard said.
"We need to keep it operating 100 percent."
Recent storms have also caused problems for the Tuolumne County Public
Works Department.
New Priest Grade Road is expected to remain closed for at least a
month as Caltrans workers rebuild adrainage system that travels under
the highway.
And a wash-out on Italian Bar Road took out a parked car and trailer
along with trees that "collapsed liketoothpicks," said Carol Jackson,
assistant to the public works director.
"We lost a huge chunk of Italian BarRoad from the Columbia end," she said.
Lightning strikes were also reportedyesterday in the foothills,
including one at Jim and Nancy Mosson's Sonora home.
"I thought it was like a nuclear holocaust or something. It was so
loud," said Nancy Mosson, who was home at the time.
As of early this morning, Tuolumne Utilities District had yet to
assess any damages that may have been caused by lightning, said
Leonard Mauro, the district's operations manager.
TUD General Manager Gary Egger said when water can't recede fast
enough, it spills through manhole covers into sewer pipelines. The
pipes send water to pump stations or the district's treatment plant
along Highway 108 in Sonora.
"Our pump stations are pumping likecrazy," Egger said yesterday afternoon.
If pipelines fill, he said, they could spill out of manholes.
"We don't want that," he said. "We don't want sewage to mix with even
flood water."
A TUD pump station at Apple ValleyEstates flooded, and a lift station
in Columbia had to be turned off due to the large amount of water
"We're right on the edge," Mauro said. "If (intense rains) continue,
we could have a problem."
The pond holding Jamestown Sanitary District's treated sewage
overflowed into Woods Creek yesterday afternoon, said Mark Krein, the
district's wastewater supervisor.
Woods Creek is about 50 feet westof the pond. The water in the creek
flows to Don Pedro Reservoir.
Plant Manager Ron Boyd-Snee said the disinfected wastewater is of
virtually no public threat, especially when added to the volume of
water in Woods Creek from recent storms.
"It's like a thimble full in a gallon bucket," he said. "I don't think
we could have planned for this or that there is any real public health
threat, but we could be fined if the Regional Water Resources Control
Board disagrees."
Rain showers were expected to linger today. Dry weather is anticipated
tomorrow, but a new storm system should bring yet more rain to the
region late Friday.
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