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From: guy perea <guyperea1@gmail.com>
Date: Sun, 3 Mar 2013 16:43:26 +0800
Subject: Area Foundation under Trustee of Judge gets a look by Conduct
of "A isolated incident" (Common term used in Sex cases in Tuolumne
County) SWORDFISH http://tiny.cc/flovsw http://goo.gl/rMcC1
To: jiki283mofo@post.wordpress.com
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Local (Tuolumne County) felon accused of preying on girl
A Sonora man was arrested Thursday on suspicion of sexually assaulting
a 12-year-old girl at a substance abuse recovery house in Sonora.
Ronald Scott Lister, 35, is accusedof assaulting the girl — who was
living at the home with her parents —six times over a two-week period,
according to a report prepared by Sonora Police Lt. Mark Stinson.
Lister, a longtime Tuolumne County resident, was recently released
from prison, where he had served a four-year term for identity theft.
Stinson said there have not been prior reports of sexual assault at
the home, near Sonora High School.
The home's owner and operator, Bobby Medina, called the alleged
assault "an isolated incident."
Medina said families with young children are not normally allowed at
the house, and that he only agreed to take in the family at the
request of an Amador County homeless shelter.
"That was just a temporary situation," he said Friday. "It's not the
norm. It's just that they were homeless."
"I'm not going to let them freeze out there," he added.
He noted that a downtown Sonora homeless shelter that typically houses
families has been closed forabout two months for renovations.
Medina said he has operated recovery homes in the county since 1993.
Several residents who live near the home said Friday they were
unsettled by the news of the alleged crime, but did not know of any
prior crimes linked to the house.
Lister remained jailed this morning, in lieu of $40,000 bail. He is
charged with two counts of lewd acts with a child under 14 years of
age, burglary and parole violation.
Stinson said the burglary charge is based on the allegation that
Lister entered the girl's room at the housewith the intent to commit a
He said the recovery home often accepts people recently released from prison.
In mix vary statements cause Trustee of Foundations in review of
Sonora Area Foundation gives money to several nonprofits July 27, 2011
The Sonora Area Foundation awarded almost $100,000 in grants during
the past quarter, including a $20,000 award to Beckiand Bobby Medina
to help recoveringaddicts and alcoholics.
For the most part, according to a foundation statement, the Medinas
help troubled adults who have burned all their bridges and have no
where else to turn.
Judge William Polley, a Sonora Area Foundation trustee, said in
thepress release that the Medinas are doing work that no one else
tackles, and it benefits the community as a whole.
The SAF grant will support efforts to open a second Sober Living
home in Sonora. The Medinas have had as many as six homes operating in
the past, but had to scale back in the last three years as the economy
declined and social services programs were cut.
They now have just one home for men in the township of Tuolumne.
Polley said many of the people they help have criminal, drug and
alcohol problems, and they aren't welcome anywhere else, so having
these homes keeps them off the streets.
Polley said he admires the Medinas for not taking salaries for
their work. Every grant dollar goes into the program, he said.
They give priority to people 55 and older. Residents contribute to
rent and living expenses, and a house manager keeps the house running
Residents must agree to stay sober, look for work if appropriate
and regularly attend recovery meetings such as Alcoholics Anonymous or
Narcotics Anonymous.
The foundation awarded the following other grants in the past
quarter, some through the foundation's community grant program and
some on behalf of other donors who keep their funds at the foundation:
• The Highway 108 Fire Safe Council received a $10,000 grant to
provide extra wood chipping and firewood transportation for the effort
to clean up heavy winter storm damage. Local groups involved in the
effort include Interfaith Community Social Services, American Red
Cross, Area12 Agency on Aging, service clubs and area churches.
• Sierra Repertory Theatre received a $15,000 grant from the
Irving J. Symons Foundation, a supporting organization of SAF, to
continue its community services, including education programs,
children and senior discounts, benefit previews and donations to
community groups.
• The Veterans History Project, avolunteer effort to collect
first-hand accounts of local veterans andpreserve them in a set of
booklets, received a $2,500 award, $1,500 from the Irving J. Symons
Foundation and the remainder from three of SAF's donor-advised
funds.Central Sierra Arts Council Executive Director Deanna Mauer is
coordinating the project with a teamof 10 volunteers.
• The Interfaith firewood programwas awarded $27,000 to help
erecta metal storage building. The program is run by Interfaith
Community Social Services and supplies free firewood to disadvantaged
families and elders. Funding is from the Irving J. Symons Foundation
and one of SAF's donor-advised funds.
• Mind Matters, a nonprofit clinicin Murphys for children and
adults with autism and related learning disabilities, received an
$8,000 grant to help Tuolumne County children under age 6 and those
who cannot afford services. It's funded by the Irving J. Symons
• Smile Keepers, which provides free dental screening and services
for school children, got a $25,000 matching grant for the coming
school year. Program advocates are raising the matching funds to
continue services for more than 3,350 Tuolumne County children. SAF
and the Irving J. Symons Foundation funded the grant.
• A six-week exhibition of artwork by Jo Mora, a renowned
turn-of-the-century California painter, sculptor and writer, will take
center stage at the Central Sierra Arts Council's gallery in August
and September. SAF provided $4,000 to support the project, which also
includes publication of a journal and artwork from Mora's 1904 wagon
trip into Yosemite Valley.
• Tuolumne County's Carlo M. DeFerrari Archive — which houses more
than 4,300 books, papers andperiodicals focused on Tuolumne County
history — received a$9,878 award from the Irving J. Symons Foundation
for more space-saver shelving.
• Challenge Day — a youth leadership program that challenges young
people to reduce bullying, isolation and negative behavior — will
continue in the coming school year with the support of a $10,000grant.
The program will be coordinated by Friday Night Live, a program of the
Amador-Tuolumne Community Action Agency in partnership with the
Tuolumne County Behavioral Health Department, YES Partnership, Center
for a Non-Violent Community and participating schools.
• Volunteers who visit hospitalized veterans and remembertheir
holidays and birthdays received a $2,000 grant from one of SAF's
donor-advised funds and the Irving J. Symons Foundation.
• Volunteers with the Sonora FireDepartment will buy a commercial
ice machine. Funding will come froman SAF grant of $1,250 and$1,900
raised by the volunteers.
• Support for the Dancing with the Tuolumne County Stars benefit
organized by Omega Nu and the Sonora Cat Rescue's spay-neuter program
was also promised using donor-advised funds.
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President of The United States
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Ambassador Chevy Chase; Kevin Corcran; Jack Nickolas; Cher; Shirley Temple
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