
Sunday, February 8, 2015

The 40 homes burned as Congress wait until a case is completed in United States District Court beyond Citizens Rights vs Congress Pay

April 17, 2014
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PRETRIAL ORDER signed by District Judge Anthony W. Ishii on 4/16/14. (Nazaroff, H)
April 30, 2014
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l parties in the case. signed by Magistrate Judge Barbara A. McAuliffe on 4/30/2014. (Herman, H)ORDER Admonishing Plaintiff to Cease Ex Parte Communication Attempts. Plaintiff is ordered to cease and desist any contact with the Court unless it is in the context of a lawfully brought motion, filed pursuant to law and procedure, and served on al
May 7, 2014
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ORDER denying Plaintiff's request for a continuance of the trial date. signed by District Judge Anthony W. Ishii on 5/7/14. (Nazaroff, H)
May 28, 2014
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ORDER Setting Date For Defendant's Response to Plaintiff's 152 Motion In Limine, signed by District Judge Anthony W. Ishii on 5/27/2014. (It is hereby ORDERED that Defendant may file and serve any response to the issue discussed in the first paragraph of this order not later than 5:00 p.m. Thursday, May 29, 2014.) (Gaumnitz, R)
May 30, 2014
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ORDER ON PLAINTIFFS MOTION IN LIMINE requesting clerical clarification signed by District Judge Anthony W. Ishii on 5/30/14. (Nazaroff, H)
June 5, 2014
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ORDER DIRECTING Corey Pride to show cause why sanctions should not be imposed based on his failure to appear as required by subpoena. Corey Pride is ORDERED to appear on 6/6/2014 at 11:00 AM in Courtroom 2 (AWI) before District Judge Anthony W. Ishii to address the reason for his absence and to address such other matters as may pertain to this case. Order signed by District Judge Anthony W. Ishii on 6/5/2014. (Counsel for Corey Pride, Karl Olson, telephonically and, via email, served with a copy of this order. Mr. Olson was also informed that he is to be telephonically available at the same date and time, to address the Court. The Court will place the call to Mr. Olson.)(Rooney, M)
June 13, 2014
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JUDGMENT dated *6/12/2014* pursuant to order. (Fahrney, E)
July 31, 2014
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ORDER vacating hearing date of August 11, 2014 and taking matter under submission. signed by District Judge Anthony W. Ishii on 7/31/14. (Nazaroff, H)
December 12, 2014
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ORDER on Plaintiff's Request For Attorneys' Fees and Costs (Docs. 189 190 200), signed by District Judge Anthony W. Ishii on 12/14/2014. (Gaumnitz, R)

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