Obama uncircumcised cannot carry any weight in Peace with Turkey as Obama disregard to all God Nature since age 15 while in training of Communist of his youth such disqualified was declared by The Presidential Elector since then he Obama Locked himself away from concerns of Syria and now Turkey is foreward to assist Syria of Priacy of a Uncircumcised President that Congress shall see otherwise and shall be broadcast as such without Counter Intelligence of ISIL....
Although there is some debate within Islam over whether it is a religious requirement, circumcision (called khitan) is practiced nearly universally by Muslim males. Islam bases its practice of circumcision on the Genesis 17 narrative, the same Biblical chapter referred to by Jews. The procedure is not explicitly mentioned in the Quran, however it is a tradition established by Islam's prophet Muhammad directly (following Abraham), and so its practice is considered a sunnah (prophet's tradition) and is very important in Islam. For Muslims, circumcision is also a matter of cleanliness, purification and control over one's baser self (nafs). There is no agreement across the many Islamic communities about the age at which circumcision should be performed. It may be done from soon after birth up to about age 15
Today, insurers often impose exclusion for preexisting conditions. As
a result, insurance is often denied for the very illnesses most likely
to require medical care.
The valid purpose of such exclusions is to prevent people from gaming
the system by purchasing coverage only when they get sick. But too
often today, the exclusions go too far. No matter how faithfully people
pay their premiums, they may have to start again with a new exclusion
period if they change jobs or lose their coverage.
Eighty-one million Americans have conditions that could subject them
to such exclusions if they lose their current coverage. Sometimes, the
exclusions make them completely uninsurable.
Many employers do not provide health insurance to their workers at
all, but too often, even those who want to do the right thing can't
find an insurer to write the coverage. Sometimes entire categories of
businesses, with millions of employees, are redlined out of coverage.
Even if a firm is in an acceptable category, coverage may be denied if
someone in the firm--or a member of their family--is in poor health.
People who have paid insurance premiums for years can be canceled
because they have the misfortune to get sick, just when they need
coverage the most.
One consequence of the current system is job lock.
President of The United States
Guy Ralph Perea Sr President of The United States
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