..ranges in Nevada. And the...progress. The BLM's Great...fully agree
on what restoration...conditions, more livestock forage...invading
shrub lands or simply...Plan, the Nevada Bird
Conservation...proceedings on Pinyon...standards and the BLM's
Standards...unmanaged livestock grazing which..
I think we're all stymied by a great deal of opposition
from some of the more extreme and radical environmental groups
that really object to any attempt to clear out overgrowth, of
dead, dying underbrush. We're always frustrated by many of the
attempts to stop these operations, and as a result, our forest
and brush lands tend to be at greater risk each and every year
that we fail to take adequate action. I think you are going to
hear from some of our witnesses about this kind of opportunity.
I think the results are clear: Our forests remain at risk
for devastating wildfires. These wildfires threaten habitat,
they threaten human life, they threaten wildlife, they threaten
And there's no doubt about it, you only have to look at
what happened over the weekend in California. Today there are
700 homes that have been burned, 13 people have lost their
lives. That's uncounted dollars in terms of just pure property
loss, but ultimately an unbearable and devastating loss in
terms of human life that we just have a very difficult time
accounting for.
So I hope this hearing will help us continue to advance and
promote common-sense policies with respect to Federal land
it is my
understanding that over the last century, due to what I see as
inadequate fire suppression activity and the lack of thinning,
the pinyon and juniper trees having encroached over six million
acres of historic sagebrush lands in Nevada. This encroachment
has dramatically altered the landscape by extensively reducing
the habitat of the sage grouse. As we know, that is in a
greater and greater threatened status these days. And it's
diminished the available forage for other native species, the
deer, the elk and other animals that use the forage in these
Most importantly, the overgrowth of pinyon and juniper
trees have put far too many families and rural communities like
Ely here in Nevada in dire risk of being destroyed by wildfire.
The pinyon and juniper trees have completely surrounded this
small town, and having personally witnessed, as many of us
have, the intensity of the pinyon and juniper fire, I can tell
you that they burn exceedingly hot.
In the event of a fire, I think this overgrowth could be
devastating to life and property right here in Ely.
The overall timing is the want of BLM for control burns that can and
do affect grazing lands of Cattle and the lack of good sense in
control burns that for some reason staff wait until latter Spring to
begin clearing of grazing lands such protest of steering of Livestock
is mainly to unconcern of a EPA (Environmental Protection Agency)
filing for control birn of grazing lands cause a unbalance in the
Great Basin of the highly sensitive lands for Cattle and also Wild
Burros and Horses has developed a District Court Commonsense approach
to Congress intent to not heed extreme and radical environmental
groups over the full use of our Federal Lands and in such any
application to move any Branded Cattle, Wild Burros and or Horses is
beyond the acts of outside influence without Boundary State Lots of
Federal Article to ingress and or egress access of such owners of
Lease and or loss of Lease due to other attacks on the Land including
access to water.
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