From: UNNews <>
Date: 3 Sep 2013 19:00:01 -0400
CHALLENGESNew York, Sep 3 2013 7:00PMSecretary-General Ban Ki-moon
today <"">released
his report to the General Assembly on the work carried out by the
United Nations over the past year, highlighting new priorities and
In his annual <"">report
on the work of the Organization, Mr. Ban says that the UN is adapting
to new realities, among them an unprecedented level of
interconnectedness, as well as unemployment brought about by the
global economic crisis, increasing inequality within and among States,
and environmental degradation.
"Member States have recognized the need to adapt the Organization to
these new realities, so that it can continue to make a positive
difference in people's lives," Mr. Ban says in the report, adding that
"the work of the United Nations over the past year clearly illustrates
these long-term trends."
The Secretary-General highlights various issues that the UN has been
focusing on to address new challenges, including the shaping of a
post-2015 development agenda, the need to tackle climate change,
democratic transitions, methods to maintain peace and security such as
mediation and peacekeeping, the promotion of human rights, disarmament
and drug control, among others.
He points to the worldwide consultations on the post-2015 development
framework as a way to bring in voices from all over the world and
involve them in the drafting of an inclusive development agenda that
builds on the eight anti-poverty targets known as the Millennium
Development Goals (MDGs). He also notes that over the past year,
natural disasters caused more than $100 billion in damage, giving "a
sobering glimpse" of what the future will look like if the development
agenda does not address the threat of climate change.
Regarding new methods to maintain peace, Mr. Ban notes the world
body's framework in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), which
was established this year in a joint effort with the World Bank and
all the countries in the region with the aim to address the root
causes of repeated cycles of violence and deliver peace to people in
He also emphasizes that more complex threats required the UN to deploy
peacekeeping missions in volatile, where hostilities were ongoing and
political settlements had not yet been achieved. Such was the cased of
the UN Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in Mali
(MINUSMA), deployed in May to support a national political dialogue
and electoral process, as well as the extension of State authority, to
stabilize key population centres and protect civilians.
In the DRC, the Security Council authorized the establishment of an
intervention brigade within the UN Organization Stabilization Mission
(MONUSCO) which can conduct targeted offensive operations with the aim
of neutralizing and disarming armed groups.
"In the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Mali and elsewhere, the core
principles of peacekeeping will continue to apply on the understanding
that impartiality does not mean neutrality in the face of atrocities,
and that maintaining consent does not mean that spoilers can prevent
United Nations missions from implementing their mandate," Mr. Ban
says. "Moreover, as United Nations peacekeeping deploys into new
contexts, appropriate tools are needed to address new or intensified
threats, including force enablers and multipliers, improved command
and control and more effective information and analysis tools."
However, Mr. Ban expresses disappointment on developments in Syria,
saying that the deaths of more nearly 100,000 people and the
displacement of millions are "a stain on our collective conscience and
a grim reminder that the costs of war are measured not only in lives
lost but in economies and infrastructures shattered, precious
historical sites ruined, fragile social bonds sundered and an entire
region destabilized with potentially lasting consequences."
Mr. Ban stresses Member States must act more swiftly and decisively to
avert and respond to violence, and added that the UN has "developed an
action plan to respond more effectively to serious violations of human
rights, drawing on the lessons of our failures in previous cases."
Another area of priority throughout the year was the coordination of
humanitarian assistance, as conflict displaced millions and natural
disasters caused $138 billion in economic damage. The UN chief
underlines that countries are still better at responding rather than
preventing crises, and added that the Organization this year worked to
bring resilience at the forefront through closer collaboration between
humanitarian and development agencies to manage risks and address the
underlying vulnerabilities.
Organized crime was another area of concern, affecting countries in
West Africa, Latin America and Europe. Mr. Ban says the UN is helping
countries address this threat through an integrated approach that
combats drug-related crime, while also ensuring the need for health
policies that ensure the protection of human rights.
The Secretary-General concludes that the UN would continue to adapt to
a changing global environment and maximize the accountability of the
Organization to Member States while minimizing administrative and
supportive costs.Sep 3 2013 7:00PM
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