
Wednesday, September 4, 2013

The Sky This Week, 2013 September 3 - 10 Double your (skywatching) pleasure....

NGC 869 & NGC 884, the "Double Cluster" in Perseus
Imaged 2013 August 15 at Fishers Island, NY
3.1-inch (80mm) f/6 Antares Sentinel refractor, Canon EOS Rebel T2i DSLR

The Moon returns to the evening sky this week, waxing through her
crescent phases as she skirts the southwestern horizon. New Moon
occurs on the 5th at 7:36 am Eastern daylight Time. Look for a
beautiful pairing of the Moon and bright Venus on the evening of the
8th. The two objects will be just under two degrees apart in the
deepening twilight, which should provide a nice photo opportunity for
budding astrophotographers. The following evening you'll find a
somewhat fatter Moon about five degrees east of Saturn.

The early evening hosts Venus and Saturn during the twilight hours.
Once the sky is fully dark, we don't see any other naked-eye planets
until well after midnight. Venus is quickly closing the gap with
Saturn as both planets attempt to keep pace with the advancing Sun,
but only Venus has the stamina to stay ahead. Neither planet offers
much for the telescopic observer right now as both planets are close
to the horizon, which means that we have to observe them through dense
turbulent layers of air that muddy the fine-structure details of these
distant worlds. However, it's still worthwhile looking at them through
binoculars, particularly when the Moon comes to pay her calls.

The absence of the Moon and bright planets in the evening certainly
doesn't limit what you can see with a small telescope. The Summer
Milky Way abounds with sights to keep you entertained all evening
long. If you're stuck under the bright lights of the city or close-in
suburbs there are plenty of colorful double stars to vie for your
attention. One of the easiest to observe is Albireo, which lies smack
in the middle of the Summer Triangle, which in turn straddles the
meridian at around 9:30 pm. Viewed with the naked eye, Albireo is an
otherwise nondescript star that marks the head of Cygnus, the Swan
(the bright star Deneb, one of the "apexes" of the Summer Triangle,
marks the Swan's tail.) Turn any small telescope toward Albireo,
though and you'll see two superbly tinted stars. I like to call this
pair the "Navy Double" since it mimics the blue and gold colors of our
Service. This pair is best seen in small-aperture telescopes; large
instruments tend to wash out the delicate tints of the component
stars. Albireo is a physical binary star whose components orbit each
other with a period of about 214 years. If you'd like a bit more of a
challenge, move your telescope toward the brightest star in the
Triangle, Vega. Just to the east of the star you'll see a pair of
stars in your finderscope. If you look at this pair, known as Epsilon
Lyrae, with a telescope of three or more inches of aperture you'll see
that each of the components is itself a close double star, giving this
quadruple system its popular name of "The Double-Double". If you enjoy
darker skies, prowl the Milky Way at low power for many of the star
clusters and nebulae that are embedded within its bounds. One of my
favorite objects to examine with any type of optical aid may be found
high in the northeast by 11:00 pm. Located just to the southeast of
the W-shaped constellation of Cassiopeia in the heart of the Milky
Way, the "Double Cluster" is visible as an elongated hazy patch with
the naked eye under dark skies. Binoculars will resolve the brighter
stars of the cluster, but once again the view through the small
telescope is the best. Each cluster is made up of a few thousand
stars, with the brightest members numbering among the most
intrinsically brightest stars in the sky. Most of these stars are
bluish in tint, but careful observation will reveal a number of red
supergiant stars scattered between them.

Jupiter now rises just before 2:00 am, so he's still best observed
right before sunrise. While I haven't yet had a chance to view him
this year I've heard from a number of my observing friends that Old
Jove is putting on a good show so far. His equatorial cloud belts are
continuing to teem with activity as they did last year, and the famous
Great Red Spot seems to be gaining prominence in both form and color.
This all bodes well for a great viewing season once Jupiter reaches
the evening sky.

You'll also find ruddy Mars in the east if you're up looking at
Jupiter before dawn. The red planet forms one apex of a diamond along
with Jupiter, the star Procyon, and the Twin Stars of Gemini, Castor
and Pollux. Mars isn't much to look at through the telescope right
now, with his disc showing little more than a small pinkish dot.
However, this is a great week to watch him through binoculars. On the
mornings of the 8th and 9th he'll be passing directly in front of the
so-called "Beehive" star cluster in the constellation of Cancer, the

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