
Monday, September 16, 2013

The Bath of 11 Bethany sin Syria

The Tell el-Amarna Tablets are a collection of some 350 clay tablets
found in 1887 amid the ruins of the ancient Egyptian city of Akhetaton
(modern Tell el-Amarna) about midway between Memphis and Thebes. 200
of them are now in Berlin, 82 in the British Museum, 50 in Cairo, 22
in Oxford; only a few are private property. They are written in the
Babylonian language and cuneiform characters and date from the
fifteenth century B.C. They consist mostly of letters and State
records sent to Kings Amenhotep III and Amenhotep IV of Egypt, by
rulers of Western Asia (Babylonia, Assyria, Mittani) and provincial
governors of Amurru (Northern Syria) and Canaan (Palestine). All these
documents throw considerable light on the conditions of Western Asia
from about 1500 to 1300 B.C.; they contain precious information
concerning the history, geography, religion, and language of the
predecessors of the Hebrews in Palestine, and, in many cases,
illustrate and confirm what we already know from the Old Testament.
This codex is a quarto volume written in uncial letters of the fourth
century, on folios of fine parchment bound in quinterns. Each page is
divided into three columns of forty lines each, with from sixteen to
eighteen letters to a line, except in the poetical books, where, owing
to the stichometric division of the lines, there are but two columns
to a page. There are no capital letters.....These figures are humble
indeed compared to those found in the Talmud, where (Talm. Babyl.,
"Sotah," 49b) Palestine is given an area of 2,250,000 Roman square
miles — more than half the area of the United States. after watering
the city of Damascus, loses itself some twenty miles east in the
Bahrat el-'Ateibeh, and the Pharphar, which feeds the Bahrat
el-Hijâneh. Damascus is a Latin archiepiscopal titular see, and three
bishops of the sixteenth century are mentioned in the "Revue
benedictine" 1907, (82-85). It is also a metropolitan see for the
Catholic (also for the non-Catholic) Melchite Greeks, and for the
Catholic Syrians, and finally an episcopal see for the Maronites.
Since the sixteenth century the non-Catholic Greek Patriarchs of
Antioch have lived at Damascus. The Catholic Greek Patriarch of
Antioch, as well as the Syrian Catholic patriarch, also resides at
Damascus and governs his diocese through a titular bishop. The
Lazarists, who replaced the Jesuits at the time of their suppression,
have operated a college there; in 1872, the Jesuits began to occupy
the reputed house of St. John Damascene. The Franciscans have the
Latin parish church and a school for boys in prayer.

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