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From: UNNews <UNNews@un.org>
Date: 14 Aug 2013 18:00:01 -0400
To: news11@ny-mail-p-lb-028.ptc.un.org
GULF OF GUINEANew York, Aug 14 2013 6:00PMThe Security Council today
called for a comprehensive regional approach to combat the threat of
piracy and armed robbery at sea in the Gulf of Guinea, and reiterated
its call on Member States to prosecute perpetrators in accordance with
international laws.
"The Security Council expresses its deep concern at the reported
number of incidents and level of violence of acts of piracy and armed
robbery at sea in the Gulf of Guinea, in the first half of 2013," the
15-member body said in a presidential statement.
The Council also reiterated its deep concern about the threat to
international navigation, the security and economic development of
States in the region, to the safety and welfare of seafarers and other
persons, as well as the safety of commercial maritime routes, caused
by the illegal activities off the western coast of Africa.
It also noted that international law, as reflected in the 1982 UN
Convention on the Law of the Sea, sets out the legal framework
applicable to activities in the ocean, including countering piracy and
armed robbery at sea.
In the statement, the Council reiterated its calls on States in the
region to criminalize piracy and armed robbery at sea under their
domestic law, and to prosecute perpetrators, consistent with
applicable international law, including international human rights
In addition, it urged the need to investigate and prosecute "anyone
who incites or intentionally facilitates such crimes, including key
figures of criminal networks involved in piracy who illicitly plan,
organize, facilitate, or finance and profit from such attacks."
The Council noted that neighbouring governments and regional
organizations have taken steps to combat piracy. Most recently,
Western African leaders met in June at the Summit of the Gulf of
Guinea Heads of State and Government on maritime safety and security
in Cameroon to establish an effective framework to combat piracy and
armed robbery at sea.
At the Summit, participants adopted the 'Code of Conduct concerning
the Prevention and Repression of Piracy, Armed Robbery against Ships,
and Illegal Maritime Activities in West and Central Africa', which
defines the regional maritime security strategy and paves the way for
a legally binding instrument. The Council today welcomed this move and
encouraged the regional members to sign and implement the Code "as
soon as possible."
The Council also welcomed recent regional efforts between the Economic
Community of Central African States (ECCAS), the Economic Community of
West African States (ECOWAS) and the Gulf of Guinea Commission (GGC).
These include a plan to establish an inter-regional centre in Cameroon
responsible for coordinating the implementation of the regional
strategy for maritime safety and security.Aug 14 2013 6:00PM
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