
Thursday, May 16, 2013

orange alert flood in Sri Lanka. Killed: 7, displaced: 115000. See

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From: GDACS <>
Date: Thu, 16 May 2013 23:37:24 +0200
Subject: orange alert flood in Sri Lanka. Killed: 7, displaced:
115000. See

[image: ]
Orange Flood Alert in Sri Lanka
[image: Click to open an interactive map of]
[image: overview weather map]

Orange flood alert in Sri Lanka Mon, 13 May 2013 00:00 +0000
Source: Dartmouth Flood Observatory based on media analysis

The flood started on 5/13/2013 and ended on 5/16/2013 11:59:59 PM,
with a duration of 4 days. This flood has severity class 1 (i.e. large
flood event with significant damage to structures or agriculture;
fatalities; and/or 1-2 decades-long reported interval since the last
similar event).

The main cause is Tropical Storm Mahasen.

The alert score is based on the reported death and displaced. Red =
1000 or more people killed or 800000 or more people displaced. Orange
= 100 or more people killed or 80000 or more displaced.
alert score: 2
magnitude: 4.8
duration: 4
severity: 1
affected region: 17254.01 km2


Reports indicate that 7 person(s) have been killed and 115000 have
been displaced. No reports on damage have been found. The flood
affected a region of approximately 17254.01 km2.


For the following locations damage has been reported: Most of Island,
including Columbo

The approximate geographic location of this flood is 7.14 latitude and
80.53 longitude. This is the centroid of the affected area, as
determined by the place names mentioned in the media.

Global Flood Detection System
Current surface water and potential flooded areas (GFDS) map

The Global Flood Detection System uses passive microwave remote
sensing to observe surface water for large floods. Statistical
anomalies in surface water are shown as red areas, which correspond
roughly to the flooded area. Extreme rainfall also causes anomalies,
but is masked by the yellow layer (TRMM rainfall).

[image: legend1]
[image: legend2]
[image: Click to open an interactive map of]
Accumulated rain 24hrs (TRMM) map

Flash floods and landslides cannot be recorded by microwave remote
sensing. These events are caused by extreme rainfall in susceptible
mountainous areas. The map below shows the extreme rainfall recorded
by the Tropical Rainfall Monitoring mission in the last 24h (mm/24h).
More information.

[image: Click to open an interactive map of]
Population density map
[image: Click to open an interactive map of]

While we try everything to ensure accuracy, this information is purely
indicative and should not be used for any decision making without
alternate sources of information. The JRC is not responsible for any
damage or loss resulting from the use of the information presented on
this website.

Information related to the flood has been collected from official and
media reports by the Dartmouth Flood Observatory. The impact analysis
is performed by the Joint Research Center of the European Commission.

[image: dots]

Joint Initiative of the United Nations and the European Commission
[image: OCHA]
[image: JRC]
[image: UNOSAT]
Reproduction authorised provided the source is acknowledged, except
for commercial purposes.
©European Commission 2004-2012

[image: dots]

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