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From: UNNews <UNNews@un.org>
Date: 17 May 2013 12:00:02 -0400
To: news11@ny-mail-p-lb-028.ptc.un.org
– UN OFFICIALSNew York, May 17 2013 12:00PMMarking the International
Day Against Homophobia, United Nations officials today issued a call
on Governments worldwide to protect the rights of lesbian, gay,
bisexual and transgender (LGBT) individuals, and strike laws that
discriminate against them.
"The fight against homophobia is a core part of the broader battle for
human rights for all," Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said in his
remarks to the International Forum on the International Day Against
Homophobia and Transphobia (IDAHO), held in The Hague, the
"The Universal Declaration of Human Rights promises a world that is
free and equal, and we will only honour that promise if everyone –
without exception – enjoys the protection they deserve."
In his <"http://www.un.org/sg/statements/index.asp?nid=6822">message,
which was delivered by the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Navi
Pillay on Thursday, Mr. Ban called for more public education to end
negative stereotypes and underlined Governments' responsibility to the
take the lead in promoting greater understanding of the issue.
"We know what needs to be done. Draconian laws used to criminalize and
punish LGBT people must be replaced by new laws that are in harmony
with universal human rights conventions and protect everyone from
discrimination on grounds of their sexual orientation and gender
During the same forum, Ms. Pillay stressed that while there has been
progress in recent years in overcoming homophobia "many States are
still reluctant to acknowledge the extent of violence and
discrimination meted out to those who are lesbian, gay, bisexual,
transgender and intersex."
Ms. Pillay highlighted three areas that require immediate attention.
The first is hate crimes, which "take place with alarming regularity
in all regions of the world," and range from bullying to physical
assault, torture, kidnapping and murder.
The second concern is the criminalization of homosexuality. Some 76
countries continue to outlaw same sex relationships, violating
citizen's right to privacy. Penalties range from jail sentences to
The prevalence of discriminatory practices against LGBT is the third
area of concern, and Ms. Pillay noted that in many countries, LGBT
individuals lack legal protection by national laws and in some
instances States are actively contributing to this type of
In 2011, 85 States signed a statement expressing their concern at
human rights violations perpetrated against LGBT people, and the UN
Human Rights Council adopted the first ever resolution to
specifically address the issue.
Last year, the UN Human Rights Office produced a guide to LGBT rights
entitled 'Born Free and Equal' that sets out States' core legal
Administrator of the UN Development Programme (UNDP) Helen Clark
that in spite of recent progress, much remains to be done to secure
LGBT rights. She noted that UNDP is on the ground in over 170
countries and territories, implementing programmes focusing on the
rights of all people to access important services and live lives of
"Many of the people we work with are excluded from development
opportunities specifically because of their sexual orientation or
gender expression, contributing to the staggering levels of inequality
around the world. Such inequalities impede development progress for
society as a whole."
Miss Clark added that through its work in human rights, access to
justice, and HIV law reform, UNDP is partnering with Government, civil
society and the LGBT community in many countries to tackle these gross
To mark the Day, OHCHR has released a video entitled
Riddle' which asks: What exists in every corner of the world but
remains illegal in more than 70 countries? The answer: Being gay,
being lesbian, bisexual or transgender.
Produced in collaboration with the Purpose Foundation, 'The Riddle'
was watched by more than 60,000 people within 24 hours of its release
on YouTube.
While not an officially observed UN day, the majority of which have
been established by the UN General Assembly or designated by UN
specialized agencies, the International Day Against Homophobia has
become an important day for millions around the world to pause and
remember the victims of homophobic violence and discrimination, and to
make the case for genuine equality for LGBT people.May 17 2013 12:00PM
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