
Friday, May 3, 2013


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From: UNNews <>
Date: 3 May 2013 18:00:01 -0400

CLIMATE ACCORDNew York, May 3 2013 6:00PMDelegates from more than
160 countries have agreed on a set of climate change policy measures
as part of an ongoing United Nations-led effort to create a new,
universal climate accord by 2015 to limit global warming to 2 degrees
Celsius (3.6 degrees Fahrenheit) from pre- industrial levels.

"Countries discussed concrete solutions to speed up and scale up
action," said Christiana Figueres, Executive Secretary of the United
Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), following the
international negotiation panel in Bonn, Germany.

She said that the representatives also discussed how to construct a
transparent, measurable, verifiable agreement that gets the best out
of all countries. "And they are committed to sticking to their own

The task of the UNFCCC's Ad Hoc Working Group on the Durban Platform
for Enhanced Action (ADP) is to negotiate a new, universal climate
agreement by 2015, to come into force from 2020, and to find ways to
increase current inadequate global ambition to address human-generated
climate change before 2020.

Ms. Figueres reminded governments during the meeting that "while they
are on track to meet the milestones they have set themselves, they are
not yet on track to meet the demands of science."

During this week of meetings, the second since annual high-level talks
were held in Doha last year, Governments agreed that climate change
needs to be addressed by all groups working together - from
international organizations to the private sector - and with support
from the highest political level, UNFCCC said in a

Participants also agreed that there are many opportunities to scale up
existing mitigation actions, notably with the help of renewable
energy, and that there is a need to build up sufficient financial
means to implement action, among other proposals.

The outcomes of this week's meeting, and the next ADP meeting to be
held in June, will be part of the agenda for the 19th Conference of
the Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP-19)
this November in Warsaw, Poland.

The ADP co-chairs, Jayant Moreshver Mauskar and Harald Dovland, said
in a joint statement that this week's discussions "are making
progress, but we have limited time… and therefore need to continue and
accelerate our efforts."

As representatives wrapped up in Bonn, the UN World Meteorological
Organisation (WMO) confirmed that 2012 was the ninth warmest year on

The global average temperature in 2012 was 0.45 degrees Celsius higher
than the 1961-1990 average of 14 degrees, according to WMO's
'Statement on the Status of the Global Climate' released on 2 May. The
statement also confirms that 2012 was the 27th consecutive year with
an above-average global temperature.

"Although the rate of warming varies from year to year due to natural
variability caused by the El Niño cycle, volcanic eruptions and other
phenomena, the sustained warming of the lower atmosphere is a
worrisome sign," said WMO Secretary-General Michel Jarraud.

"The continued upward trend in atmospheric concentrations of
greenhouse gases and the consequent increased radiative forcing of the
Earth's atmosphere confirm that the warming will continue," he said.

The warming trend is responsible for record levels of ice thaw in the
Arctic and extreme weather, including droughts and tropical cyclones,
Mr. Jarraud said. "Natural climate variability has always resulted in
such extremes, but the physical characteristics of extreme weather and
climate events are being increasingly shaped by climate change," he

Europe is warming faster than many other parts of the world, according
to figures from the UN Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNISDR).
According to a statement the office today released, southern and
central Europe is seeing more frequent heat waves, forest fires and
droughts. While the northern and north-eastern Europe is projected to
get more precipitation and flooding.

In this context, the Special Representative of the Secretary-General
for Disaster Risk Reduction and head of UNISDR, Margareta Wahlström,
today welcomed the European Union's newly announced strategy on
adaptation to climate change.

"The adoption of this new strategy is a major incentive for European
states to step up their efforts for disaster risk reduction and
climate change adaptation," Ms. Wahlström said in a news release from

"Urban resilience is especially important across the region given that
75 per cent of the population live in urban areas which can be exposed
to heat waves, flooding or rising sea levels."

The EU estimates that the minimum cost of not adapting to climate
change would reach $131 billion a year by 2020 and $328 billion a year
by 2050 for the whole EU.

Ensuring environmental sustainability is one of the eight Millennium
Development Goals (MDGs), anti-poverty targets world leaders have
pledged to achieve by 2015. The UN General Assembly is scheduled to
hold a thematic debate this month in New York to focus on climate
change, green energy and sustainability.

In addition, Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon wants the world to reach
universal access to modern energy services by 2030 as part of his
Sustainable Energy for All Initiative.May 3 2013 6:00PM
For more details go to UN News Centre at

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