
Monday, April 29, 2013

WSDOT Eastern Region/April 2013 Update

Subject: WSDOT Eastern Region/April 2013 Update
Date: Mon, 29 Apr 2013 12:54:05 -0500

WSDOT Eastern Region/April 2013 Update WSDOT Logo
Welcome to our April 2013 newsletter.  (Regional Administrator Keith Metcalf is on temporary special assignment in Olympia with the Assistant Regional Administrator, Mike Gribner, sitting in.)
This month we get an update on the Sanpoil, and information on upcoming paving work. 
As always, if you have any questions on items in this newsletter, or other transportation issues, please let me know. Give me a call at (509) 324-6010 or drop me an e-mail at: .
Mike Gribner
Acting Regional Administrator
WSDOT Eastern Region
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M/V Sanpoil vessel update
Assembly work continues on our new Keller ferry route vessel, the M/V (Motor Vessel) Sanpoil.  The three major hull sections are now being welded onto the main hull.  The support frame for the pilot house that spans the car deck is in place and being completed.  The pilot house has been delivered.
The vessel is scheduled to enter service in mid-August.  A special ceremony is being planned with details to be announced.

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SR 291 Open House
We have a high profile paving and pavement repair project on State Route 291 this season.  That job includes Francis Avenue west of Division out to the Stevens County Line.  From Division to about Lowell Road, near the Sundance Golf Course we will grind out the existing asphalt and resurface the roadway.  From there to the county line, (excluding the section we rebuilt a few years ago near Nine Mile Falls) we will crack seal the surface and make minor repairs.  To reduce the effects on traffic, the asphalt paving work will be scheduled for evening and overnight hours.  Other work includes updating the curb ramps to current ADA standards.
Because this is such a busy area, we have scheduled an informational open house meeting with details on the project.  The open house is Tuesday, May 21, from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. in the Salk Middle School Cafeteria, 6411 N. Alberta.  Our engineering staff will have displays and be on hand to answer questions about the work.
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Division Street
Another high profile project is coming in Spokane.  Our Maintenance team is planning pavement repair work on the major north/south arterial, US 2/395.  That includes Division Street, Browne Street, and Ruby Street from Interstate 90 to Euclid Avenue.  The crew will be grinding out and patching the pavement in numerous locations on this busy thoroughfare.  Because this is a very busy route, the work is planned for evening and overnight hours.  They anticipate about 10 days of work, beginning on Sunday evening, May 5.  The work requires dry weather.
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