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From: UNNews <UNNews@un.org>
Date: 25 Apr 2013 15:00:01 -0400
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POLIO AND OTHER DISEASESNew York, Apr 25 2013 3:00PMPolio eradication
efforts are the focus of the United Nations-backed Global Vaccine
Summit which also aims to protect millions of children from diseases
like measles and tetanus through inoculations.
"Immunization is one of the best and most cost-effective ways to
prevent these diseases and safeguard young lives," Secretary-General
Ban Ki-moon said in his video
<"http://www.un.org/sg/statements/index.asp?nid=6774">message to the
Summit in Abu Dhabi in the United Arab Emirates.
He note that 80 per cent of children – more than at any time in
history – are immunized, but cautioned that work remains, "We have
reached four out of five children worldwide. Now it is time to reach
that fifth child wherever he or she may be. We must break down all
barriers that stand in our way."
Health groups at the Summit today announced they could rid the world
of polio by 2018 with a $5.5 billion vaccination and monitoring plan
to stop the disease.
"The global success so far in fighting polio shows how far we can
advance," Mr. Ban said, highlighting the international alliance of
partners which includes the UN, governments, civil society and private
"We have a window of opportunity to end polio forever. And we have a
greater appreciation for the power of partnerships," Mr. Ban said.
The Summit is being held during
Immunization Week which started on 20 April with its call to "protect
your world, get vaccinated" in 180 countries, as part of an efforts to
reach universal immunization coverage.
Vaccination averts an estimated 2-3 million deaths every year,
according to UN figures, from preventable diseases such as diphtheria,
measles, whooping cough, pneumonia, polio rotavirus, diarrhoea,
rubella and tetanus.
Children's and maternal health are important to all eight Millennium
Development Goals (MDGs), which seek to reduce multiple global ills by
2015, particularly to Goals 4 on reducing under-five mortality by two
thirds by 2015. Mr. Ban recently launched 1,000 Days of Action to
boost progress towards achievement of the MDGs by their deadline.
Meanwhile, staring today in Somalia, 425,000 children born each year
will receive the Pentavalent vaccine, which protects against five
potentially fatal childhood diseases.
Launched today at the Summit in Abu Dhabi, three-doses of the vaccine
protect against diphtheria, tetanus, whooping cough, Hepatitis B and
an influenza known as Hib which can lead to meningitis, pneumonia and
other illnesses.
The vaccine is being used staring today in Somali capital, Mogadishu,
as well as Garowe in Puntland and Hargeisa in Somaliland. The 1.3
million doses provided will be used to immunize children under one
year of age, according to the UN Children's Fund (UNICEF), which is
taking part in the launch along with the UN World Health Organization
(WHO) and the GAVI Alliance.
The launch of the vaccine is being accompanied by an outreach campaign
to make parents aware of the importance of the new vaccine.
"It is crucial that this vaccine reaches every Somali child in the
country," said Sikander Khan, UNICEF Somalia Representative. "We urge
all parents, community, traditional and religious leaders to
participate in the immunisation activity, to ensure all children of
Somalia can benefit from the protection offered."
Somalia has one of the worst health indicators in the world with one
in every five Somali children dying before their fifth birthday,
according to UNICEF.Apr 25 2013 3:00PM
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