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---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: guy perea <guyperea1@gmail.com>
Date: Thu, 21 Feb 2013 03:06:55 +0800
Subject: The Sky This Week, 2013 February19 - 26 http://goo.gl/rMcC1
To: jiki283mofo@post.wordpress.com
Jupiter, with its two largest moons
2013 February 19, 01:40 UT
The Moon brightens the overnight hours this week as she waxes to Full
Moon on the 25th at 3:26 pm Eastern Standard Time. February's Full
Moon is popularly known as the Snow Moon or Hunger Moon since it
occurs at a time when winter exercises its strongest grip. Luna begins
the week high above the head of Orion, the Hunter. On the evening of
the 20th she perches between the "feet" of the Gemini twins. On the
night of the 24th sherises with the bright star Regulus inLeo, the
Lion, and remains within a few degrees of the star all night long.
Last week we were all watching as asteroid 2012 DA14 swept by Earth
just over 17,000 miles above Siberia. In last week's edition of TSTW I
mentioned the irony of the planet's best viewing prospects being
located near the site of the 1908 Tunguska impact and how thecurrent
object was not going to hit us. Imagine my surprise when I awoke on
the morning of the 15th to stories of a brilliant, destructive meteor
fall near the city of Cherlyabinsk in western Siberia! It quickly
became apparent that the most destructive meteorite encounter since
Tunguska had just occurred, and, despite its incredibletiming, it had
absolutely nothing to do with the asteroid flyby. The Cherlyabinsk
object came at us from the direction of the Sun which made it
impossible to detect visually by traditional sky-survey methods, and
it s relatively small size of 10 to 15 meters would havebeen nearly
impossible to detect by radar with any meaningful lead time.It was a
truly random event even though it spawned an incredible coincidence,
and it serves as a reminder that our solar system is a very dynamic
place that was born out of the violence of colliding worlds. While the
damage and injuries sustained in Cherlyabinsk were relatively
superficial, had the impactor been the size of 2012 DA14 the results
would have been far more catastrophic, and 2012 DA14 is, in the grand
scheme of things, a very small asteroid. Fortunately statistics tell
us that we're probably "off the hook" for awhile, since the Earth is
also a very small target in space. However, vigilance is still a good
practice, and the U.S. Naval Observatory will continue to do its part
by supplying the deep-field star catalogs that are used by
asteroid-search surveys around the globe
If you missed sighting the planet Mercury at dusk over the past
several evenings, you still have a chance early this week. Mercury
passed greatest elongation on the 16th and now seems to "hover" about
10 degrees above the western horizon about half an hour after sunset.
Unfortunately he begins to fade quite rapidly as he begins his plunge
back toward the Sun, so you'll been binoculars and very clear skies to
sight him after the 22nd. By the end of the week he will still be
fairly high in evening twilight, but he will have faded to second
magnitude and will be lost inthe sunset glow. You'll get another
chance to see him near the end of May, however, when he returns to the
evening sky with Venus and Jupiter in tow.
Speaking of Jupiter, we are now entering the last few favorable weeks
of the giant planet's current apparition. Old Jove now crosses the
meridian around the time of sunset, and while he's still very high in
the early evening you only have a few hours to enjoy a good view of
him through the small telescope. By 11:00 pm he is beginning to settle
into the turbulent air over the western horizon and good crisp views
of his cloud belts and moons will become harder to find. Jupiter now
appears about 20% smaller than he did at the height of opposition, but
his disc is still larger than that of any other planetary target.
Continue to enjoy him while you can.
As Jupiter sets the solar system's other truly giant planet Saturn
risesin the southeast. In another couple of months Saturn will take
over as the reigning evening planet, but if you find yourself up
before the Sun now would be a good time to track him down and give him
a look. Saturn's ring system is now amply tipped in our direction and
offers a glimpse of what has to be one of the most amazing sights in
all of Nature. Composed of billions of small chunks of water ice and
interplanetary dust, the rings are a laboratory for gravitational
physics.A small telescope of four or more inches aperture will show a
dark band near the rings' outer edge. Known as Cassini's Division -
June per ta S$
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