
Monday, February 18, 2013

Illegal entrapment by Blacks on poor Whites in Stanislaus County California in Drug Solicitation

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From: guy perea <>
Date: Mon, 18 Feb 2013 20:07:51 +0800
Subject: Illegal entrapment by Blacks on poor Whites in Stanislaus
County California in Drug Solicitation

The SPEAKERpro tempore (Mrs. Wilson). Under the Speaker's announced
policy of January 6, 1999, the gentleman from New York (Mr. Owens) is
recognized for 60 minutes.
Mr. OWENS. Madam Speaker, we have heard two presentations, one by the
Democrats and one by the Republicans, on the budget. We willhave the
budget on the floor tomorrow to vote on, and nothing is more important
than the budget this week. But nothing is more important than the
budget at anytime.
The most important decisions we make in Washington are the decisions
related to the budget and the appropriations process. The budget is the
opening of the process which ends with the appropriations process.
People should understand that we broadly categorize certain spending
goals in the budget, and then it is the appropriations process that
carries them through with the detailed expenditures.
I want to talk about the Congressional Black Caucus Budget, a budget
for maximum investment and opportunity, which we will have on the floor
tomorrow as an alternative to the President's budget and the budget of
the majority Republicans.
Our budget is very important, and I am going to spend half my time
talking about the priorities of that budget, the six priorities of that
budget. But the seventh priority is the one that I want to begin with.
The mission of our budget is clearly,the Congressional Black Caucus
Budget, an advocacy budget. It advocates for those that are left out
and forgotten, the poor in general, and more specifically African
Americans and other neglected minorities.
We concurwith three-quarters of the President's budget and his
priorities. But we would like to emphasize certain kinds of things that
get left out. So in each one of these seven areas, education, housing,
health care, economic development and livable communities, foreign aid,
welfare and low-income assistance,and juvenile justice and law
enforcement, we have special kinds of priorities that we have within
those categories. We would like to make certain that those do not get left out.
This presentation will start with priority number seven, which is a
very unusual priority for the Congressional Black Caucusto focus on.
That is juvenile justice and law enforcement. Law enforcement.
Now, I understandthat in the Democratic alternative budget that is
going to be presented tomorrow, there will be some recommended
increases in the law enforcement budget, the Justice Department budget.
But that is all about increasing at the investigative end, increases
for the prosecutions in general.
There are a number of things that are going to happen in that
proposed set of budget increases that we are not particularly concerned
with. We would like tosee the Justice Department capacity increased to
handle some other kinds of pressing emergencies.
For example, we have an explosion of high profile corruption and
malfunctioning of the criminal justice system across America. In Los
Angeles, in Illinois, Louisville, Kentucky and New York, on and on it
goes. Right now, we have these high profile cases that should attract
the attention of all Americans. Certainly the overwhelming majority of
Americans are concerned about these malfunctionings and this
Certainly in the case of Amadou Diallo and the verdict of a jury
there in New York State, the capital, Albany, related to a case where
Amadou Diallo was standing on his front step and was approached by four
policemen, and they shot him to death. Forty-one bullets were fired.
{time} 2145
He was hit 19 times, and some of the bullets show he was hit after he
was on the porch. Nevertheless, those policemen were found not guilty
of anything; not negligent homicide, not reckless endangerment, not
guilty of anything. A survey taken a few dayslater showed that the
overwhelming majority of the peopleof New York State were outraged.
They disagreed profoundly with thatverdict and felt that a great
miscarriage of justice had occurred. But on the other coast, in Los
Angeles, we had a series of
revelations over the last few months indicating that the police
department has been carrying out corrupt practices for almost two
that there are people in the police department who routinely,
routinely, have plantedevidence on people of drug selling, evidence of
various kinds, planted guns on people, beaten people, and shot people.
And theLos Angeles government now is getting ready to pay out millions
of dollars in response to court suitsthat are being brought on these
matters, as well as many, many cases that will be overturned.
The lives of numerous individuals, thousands of individuals when we
consider the families of the people who have been wrongfully convicted
or harassed, beaten up, the lives ofthousands of individuals are
involved in this gross systemic ongoing set of miscarriages of justice.
In the State of Illinois we have a situation where there were 25
people on
[[Page H1265]]
death row, 25 people about to be executed. We were about to play God
and take their lives. I am against the death penalty, but those who are
for the death penalty certainly would not like to see innocent people
executed. There was a special project conducted by some university
students and they utilized the most advanced detective techniques,
including DNA, to check to see whether these 25 people were really
guilty or not. They were on death row. They had gone through the whole
system. The district attorneys had brought cases against them, they had
been prosecuted by public prosecutors, ajudge had sat on the case, a
juryheard the case, and now it was all over. They were on death row to
be executed.
Under our constitution we guaranty the right to life, liberty and the
pursuit of happiness. But if a person's life is taken, there is nothing
else theyare going to be able to do. They cannot pursue happiness.
Libertymeans nothing. A death penalty takes away that life. And of the
25 people who were on death row, 12 were found to be innocent. DNA
evidence, about as conclusive as it gets, was used to prove that 12 of
the 25 on death row were innocent. And I congratulate the governor of
Illinois for acting after that, immediately, to say there will be no
more executions until we straightenout this tangle.
Where is the criminal justice system going wrong? How did it produce
an almost 50 percent error rate in a matter as serious as taking the
life of an individual for the commission of a crime? Twelve of the 25
were innocent.
Let me see, I have mentioned Los Angeles and Illinois. Let us now go
to Louisville, Kentucky. There was akilling of a young man by the
Louisville, Kentucky, police. Two policemen were involved. The police
commissioner, without telling the mayor, decided to give these two
policemen a medal, awarded both of them a medal.
Now, they have gone through a process, I think, of being checked out,
with disciplinary hearings, and steps have now been taken, but they
were given a medal and the mayor was not informed about this. They were
just given a medal, two medals, by the commissioner. And the mayor,
rightfully so, felt that that was an outrage to do thatfor something
that, one, was questionable, but to do it without his approval, without
his involvement, was a usurpation of his authority, and it was making a
statement about his position on thiskind of action that clearly was in
defiance of his policies.
So the mayor of Louisville, Kentucky, fired the police commissioner.
And right now we have almost a coups taking place in Louisville,
Kentucky. The police are marching through the streets indicating that
they are really in command. The police that should be under civil
authority are refusing to acknowledge that the mayor is the final
authority; that the man whois elected, who hired the commissioner, had
the right to fire him.
The problem is if we allow a police state mentality to develop in a
small group, that spreads to the larger group, and pretty soon we are
the victims ofpolice state actions. I cannot remember any time that a
whole police force has defied their chief executive, the mayor of a
city, and gone out and thrown down the gauntlet. They are refusing to
protect the citizens. They spend their time in demonstrating their
It is illogical to allow the criminal justice system to become
corrupted. What we havein America is a small percentage of police, the
extremists, the fanatics, and sometimes they are racists, who commit
crimes and acts of misconduct that by themselves are outrageous but we
say, after all, it is only a small percentage of a total police
department. The problem that all America should be concerned with is
the way the rest of the police department goes to work to cover up, to
protect and to nurture thefanatics and the extremists and theracists.
There is the so-called blue wall of silence, where no matter what is
done they will protect them. And anybody that tells the truth will be
isolated and browbeaten and harassed to thepoint where they will have
to leave the force. The code of conduct in police departments all
across the country is that the truthis not to be told if it will get
oneof their colleagues in trouble. So it makes the whole system
corrupt.As we go up the chain of command, the officer at the top,
including the commissioner, becomes involvedin a pattern of cover-up.
If the pattern of cover-up and protection is there, it means that the
officers who are at the extreme endbegin to have more and more people
join them, more of their kind come on to the force because they have
protection of the system.
I havetalked about Los Angeles, Illinois, and Louisville, Kentucky.
In Louisville, Kentucky, it is the policemarching to take over the
city, acoups by the police department against the city government. In
New York, where the overwhelming majority of the people have indicated
their outrage in the Amadou Diallo shooting, we now have another
shooting of a young man named Patrick Dorismond, who lives in my
district. He was killed. The mayor and the commissioner are behaving as
if they want to stage a coups andtake over the city against the
majority. The majority are outraged, but they insist on behaving in
ways that protect andencourage and nurture that small percentage of
extremists inevery police department.
The mayor has made outrageous statements about the last killing.
Patrick Dorismond, a constituent of mine,his family lives in my
district. Patrick Dorismond was in Manhattan, leaving work as a guard.
He was a uniformed guard. He left work and went to a bar nearby. He
left the bar and was hailing a taxi to get home when an undercover
policeman approached him attempting to entrap him in a drug sale. The
undercover policeman asked him if he had some drugs to sell. He wanted
some drugs.
This same undercover policeteam had already made eight or nine
arrests that night. They just wanted to bolster their statisticsand
make ten collars thatnight, so they approached one more, Patrick
Dorismond. Patrick Dorismond was outraged as he wasbeing approached
and asked for drugs. An argument ensued and the backup policeman came
on thescene to support his partner who was in the argument. He shot
Patrick Dorismond to death.
Patrick Dorismond is dead and the two policemen say it was an
accident. Most unfortunate; it was an accident. And the Mayor of the
City of New York, Mayor Guiliani, ordered the commissioner, told the
commissioner to immediately release the criminal record of Patrick
Dorismond. Patrick Dorismond, at 13, had had some kind of encounter
with the police. The laws of the State of New York say that the record
of a juvenile should be sealed. Not only did they disobey the laws of
the State of New York and open sealed records, but they also broadcast
them all over the Nation.
Patrick Dorismond had had a run-inwith the police when he was 13,
like a lot of 13 year olds may have a run-in with the police. Patrick
Dorismond had had two arrestsas an adult for disorderly conduct.So
happens that Patrick Dorismond wanted to be a policeman. So the two
disorderly conduct arrests that he had had as an adult, plus the arrest
that he had had as a juvenile, would not have disqualified him from
becoming a policeman. They were not that serious. But the mayor has
chosen to make Patrick Dorismond look like a criminal by putting these
things together. And he has fooled no one.
The whole city is outraged again. It is double outrage after the
Amadou Diallo verdict. Now comes Patrick Dorismond, with the mayor and
the commissioner engaging in a blatant way in a cover-up. I mean, they
are encouraging and setting the parameters for the cover-up in this
The system has gone to work to deal with some extreme activities on
the part of individual policemen. There were other cases, of course,
besides Amadou Diallo. There was Abner Louima, who was sodomized with a
broomstick in a police precinct. Abner Louima almost bled to death. In
fact, the hope was, by the policeman who had so injured him, that he
would die, but, unfortunately for the policeman, he lived.
Fortunately, there were complaints made by the family, and they got
through to a reporter and he got to a hospital and he survived. And the
whole case broke as an exposure of what had gone on in that precinct.
Most of the police in that precinct would not tell the truth. The blue
[[Page H1266]]
of silence went into effect immediately and nobody saw anything. Abner
Louimahad to endure a horrible experience,and they tried to pretend
that nobody held him down while the guilty police officer committed
Fortunately, the Federal Government stepped into the situation and,
from the beginning, showed a great interest and prosecuted the
policeman for violating the civil rights of Abner Louima. Abner Louima
is not dead, fortunately. He is probably injured forlife. He will
never function normally again. But there was a trial and,after almost
a year of denying that any crime had been committed, the blue wall of
silence was at work concocting stories about Abner Louima having
engaged in homosexual activity and that is how his guts were erupted or
torn inside him. All kinds of concocted ridiculous stories were
manufactured, until finally in the Federal trial, in Brooklyn, the
perpetrator confessed that he had done it, and was found guilty, of
course, by his confession.
{time} 2200
However, even after confessing, he wanted the world to believe he did
it all by himself and nobody else saw it, wanted to protect his
colleagues, and came back to courtto testify in a second trial, a
conspiracy trial.
The conspiracy trial related to Abner Louima was probably more
important than the trial which convicted the man who perpetrated the
heinous act against Abner Louima. Because the conspiracy trial goes to
the heart of the problem.
The heart of the problem is the fact that the colleagues of the
perpetrators, the colleagues of the extremists, of the fanatics, of the
racists cover up for them. They pretendthey saw nothing, they heard
nothing, the system, in effect, to cover up for the crime committed
against Abner Louima. His relatives went to the police station the next
day, and they were threatened and told to get away from there orthey
would be arrested.
All kinds of horrible things happened before this case began to rise
and surface in such a way that the police department had to admit that
agreat crime had been committed andthey had to go to work to do
something about it.
But when theFederal Government entered the case early and began to
question the police officers, the blue wallof silence went into
effect. So they took a very important step in trying four of those
officers for conspiracy to cover up. Because that is the heart of the
problem. The system has to be changed. The system has to be attacked.
The Federal Government at this pointhas also completed a study of
the pattern of activity in New York City with respect to the stop-and-
frisk and the way they policeminority neighborhoods.
What does this have to do with the budget? Let me go back for a
moment and say that all those people out there who were upset about the
Amadou Diallo verdict, and there were many people, there was a
spontaneous set of demonstrations. High school kids, without any
tutelage or planning, left their schools and demonstrated in the
streets. College kids demonstrated, white and black. There was no group
that did not show their outrage.
Today, on the steps of New York Police Plaza, a press conference took
place of businessmen, businessmen and labor leaders, rabbis, civil
liberties leaders, urban league, a press conference took place where
they all together condemned the latest activities of the mayor with
respect to exposing the criminal record of Dorismond as a 13-year-old
child and taking a position in defense ofthe killing of Patrick
Dorismond before the facts were examined thoroughly.
Our constituents in New York are very upset, outraged, demanding
action from their leaders. Our constituents are demanding action
against these gross misjustices.
President of The United States
Guy Ralph Perea Sr President of The United States
Weatherdata1046am0426 a Discussion Group of
goldlandabstracts; link check
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States International Policies aol Federal Communication

Ambassador Chevy Chase; Kevin Corcran; Jack Nickolas; Cher; Shirley Temple
Black; Liza Minnille; Ansari; Ernest Tascoe; Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act
Agent Jodie Foster; Department of Veterans Affairs Director George H.W. Bush
Title 22 USCS section 1928 (b) The e-mail
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E-mail transmission in error, please reply to the sender, so arrangements
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USCS section 192 etseq Margie Paxton Chief of Childrens Bureau
Director of The United States Department of Human Services; Defendant
Article IV General Provisions Section 2
(Supreme Law of The Land) The Constitution of The United States "Any thing
in The Constitution or Laws of any State to the Contrary Notwithstanding"
Contrary to Law (of an act or omission) illegal;

President of The United States
Guy Ralph Perea Sr President of The United States
Weatherdata1046am0426 a Discussion Group of
goldlandabstracts; link check
own search engine - The United
States International Policies aol Federal Communication

Ambassador Chevy Chase; Kevin Corcran; Jack Nickolas; Cher; Shirley Temple
Black; Liza Minnille; Ansari; Ernest Tascoe; Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act
Agent Jodie Foster; Department of Veterans Affairs Director George H.W. Bush
Title 22 USCS section 1928 (b) The e-mail
transmission may contain legally privileged information that
is intended only for the individual or entity recipient, you are hereby,
notified that any disclosure, copying, distribution, or reliance upon the
contents of this E-mail is strictly prohibited. If you have received this
E-mail transmission in error, please reply to the sender, so arrangements
can be made for proper delivery. Title 42
USCS section 192 etseq Margie Paxton Chief of Childrens Bureau
Director of The United States Department of Human Services; Defendant
Article IV General Provisions Section 2
(Supreme Law of The Land) The Constitution of The United States "Any thing
in The Constitution or Laws of any State to the Contrary Notwithstanding"
Contrary to Law (of an act or omission) illegal;

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