
Thursday, January 3, 2013

Second Council of Constantinople (A.D. 553) on VOMIT

Session I - Extracts from the Acts
Nestorius for that purpose, they made haste to introduce their errors
through Theodore of Mopsuestia , the teacher of Nestorius , who taught
still more grievous blasphemies thanhis. He maintained, e.g. , that
God the Word was one, and Christ another. For the same purpose they
made use of those impious writings of Theodoret which were directed
against the first Synod of Ephesus , against Cyril and his Twelve
Chapters , and also the shameful letter which Ibas is said to have
written. They maintain that this letter was accepted by the Synod of
Chalcedon , and so would free from condemnation Nestorius and Theodore
who were commended in the letter. If they were to succeed, the Logos
could no longer be said tobe made man, nor Mary called the Mother (
genetrix ) of God .
So also the Lord himself says: VerilyI say unto you that if two of you
shall agree upon earth as touching anything they shall seek for, they
shall have it from my Father which is in heaven . For wheresoever two
or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of
Three Chapters ( sententiam proferre ): And when we heard this answer,
having the Apostle's admonition in mind , that each one must give an
account of himself to God and fearing the judgment that hangs over
those who scandalize one, even of the least important, and knowing how
much sorer it mustbe to give offense to so entirely Christian an
Emperor, and to the people, and to all the Churches
For it is necessary always to flee from that which is hurtful, and not
to have respect of persons, but to consider what is pleasing to God .
For this cause Constantine assembled 318 Fathers at Nice, and was
himself which he vomits

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