January 7, 2013
This report, which is based upon information from law enforcement and
complaints submitted to the IC3, details recent cyber crime trends and
new twists to previously-existing cyber scams.
New Twist to Online Tech Support Scam
The IC3 continues to receive complaints reporting telephone callsfrom
individuals claiming to be with Tech Support from a well-known
software company. The callers have very strong accents and use common
names such as "Adam" or"Bill." Callers report the user's computer is
sending error messages, and a virus has been detected. In order to
gain access tothe user's computer, the caller claims that only their
company can resolve the issue.
The caller convinces the user to grant them the authority to run a
program to scan their operating system. Users witness the caller going
through their files as the caller claims they are showing how the
virus has infected their computer.
Users are told the virus could be removed for a fee and are asked
fortheir credit card details. Those who provide the caller remote
access to their computers, whether they paid for the virus to be
removed or not, report difficulties with their computer afterwards;
either their computers would not turn on or certain programs/files
were inaccessible.
Some report taking their computers to local technicians for repair and
the technicians confirmed software had been installed. However, no
other details were provided.
In a new twist to this scam, it was reported that a user's computer
screen turned blue, and eventually black, prior to receiving the call
from Tech Support offering to fix their computer. At this time, it has
not been determined if this is related to the telephone call or if the
user had been experiencing priorcomputer problems.
TDoS Attacks to Emergency Services
As some are aware, reports of pay day loan phone scams have been
occurring for the last three years ormore. The scam involves victims
being relentlessly contacted at their residences and places of
employment regarding claims they are delinquent on a payday loan.
Various coercion techniques have been used by the subjects in an
attempt to persuade the victim to send money. Such techniques have
evolved from repeated annoying phone calls to abusive language,
threats of bodily harm, and arrests.
The IC3 has become aware of increased coercion tactics used by the
subjects, which have created a threat to emergency services across the
nation. The threats havenow escalated into a Telephony Denial of
Service ( TDoS ) attacks against the victims' employers, which some
have been emergency service agencies. The TDoS attackshave tied up the
emergency services' telephone lines, preventing them from receiving
and responding to legitimate emergency calls.
The other tactic the subjects are now using in order to convince the
victim that a warrant for their arrest exists is by spoofing a
policedepartment's telephone number when calling the victim. The
subjectclaims there is a warrant issued for the victim's arrest for
failure to payoff the loan. In order to have the police actually
respond to the victim's residence, the subject places repeated,
harassing calls to the local police department while spoofing the
victim's telephone number.
Most Popular 2012 Passwords Revealed
SplashData.com recently published the following information regarding
the most popular 2012 passwords on the web. The ranking was based on
password information from compromised accounts posted by hackers
This report, which is based upon information from law enforcement and
complaints submitted to the IC3, details recent cyber crime trends and
new twists to previously-existing cyber scams.
Top Nine Fraud Attacks impacting eCommerce
A payment management company recently reported on the top fraud
attacks most impactful to eCommerce. These attacks were identified by
frequency of attack and revenue loss.
In ranked order, the top nine fraud attacks identified were:
9) Triangulation Schemes
8) Phishing/Pharming/Whaling
7) Botnets
6) Re-shipping
5) Affiliate Fraud
4) Identity Theft
3) Friendly Fraud
2) Account Takeover
1) Clean Fraud
Fraud Targeting Direct Sales Companies
Several legitimate direct sales companies have seen a large surge in
fake orders being places with their consultants. The consultants are
contacted through the legitimate "find a consultant" link located on
the various sales Websites. In each instance, the suspects are placing
large orders and agreeing to pay by check. The consultant receives the
check for a much larger amount than the total cost for the products.
The consultants are instructed to cash the check and send the
difference back to the buyer via wire transfer. The IC3 has received
several complaints filed by consultants from companies affected by
this scam.
President of The United States
Guy Ralph Perea Sr President of The United States
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Black; Liza Minnille; Ansari; Ernest Tascoe; Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act
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Title 22 USCS section 1928 (b) The e-mail
transmission may contain legally privileged information that
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