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From: Twitter <n-thlcrern1=tznvy.pbz-76f58@postmaster.twitter.com>
Date: Sat, 29 Dec 2012 13:31:11 +0000
Subject: Jeremy Jack Bieber, NASA, and 20 others have Tweets for you
To: Santa Claus <guyperea1@gmail.com>
Santa Claus,
Here's what's happening on Twitter
* Stories *
12 Restaurant Triumphs of 2012
The Times's chief restaurant critic counts down his favorite new
restaurants of the year.
nytimes.com - Tweet this story:
Tweeted by Andrew Zimmern, Mission Street Food, NYT Dining & Wine, MyLastBite,
E-book Reading Jumps; Print Book Reading Declines
23% of Americans ages 16 and older read an e-book in the past year, up
from 16% the year before. The share who read a print book declined to
67%, from 72%.
libraries.pewinternet.org - Tweet this story:
Tweeted by Sarah Weinman, PublishersLunch,
Going Beyond Disney in Orlando
The Frugal Traveler discovers five non-Disney reasons to visit
Orlando, from Puerto Rican food to psychic readings.
frugaltraveler.blogs.nytimes.com - Tweet this story:
Tweeted by The Frugal Traveler, NY Times Travel,
Bush spokesman says ex-president's fever is gone
HOUSTON (AP) — A spokesman says the fever that kept former President
George H.W. Bush in the hospital over Christmas is gone.Bush spokesman
Jim McGrath said Wednesday that doctors at the Houston…
bigstory.ap.org - Tweet this story:
Tweeted by The Associated Press, yvette nicole brown,
First African Designed Smartphone, Tablet Hit Market
VMK created the first African-designed smartphone, which runs on
Android software.
mashable.com - Tweet this story:
Tweeted by Pete Cashmore, Kiva,
* Tweets *
Curiosity Rover @MarsCuriosity
Thanks for all the holiday greetings! Here's a pic from "Grandma's
House," my location for the next few days. http://t.co/9ENkUb23
Houston Rockets @HoustonRockets
Harden's point totals in the Rockets 5-game winning streak: 30, 26,
31, 33, 28. We'll take it. http://t.co/8hSh9WTX
Cherian Koshy @Cheriankoshy
@rkmishra100 @katie_abraham @ShashiTharoor In Trivandrum a school
teachr told me that reading habits of children hav improved
Jenna Ezarik @jennaezarik
Hey @ijustine and @Fwiz you guys wanna talk to each other? No? Good me
either. http://t.co/KOV0EeKu
Jeremy Jack Bieber @JeremyBieber
See ya soon @justinbieber thx for a great holiday. You are already missed. #love
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President of The United States
Guy Ralph Perea Sr President of The United States
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Ambassador Chevy Chase; Kevin Corcran; Jack Nickolas; Cher; Shirley Temple
Black; Liza Minnille; Ansari; Ernest Tascoe; Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act
Agent Jodie Foster; Department of Veterans Affairs Director George H.W. Bush
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