The Country of Burma has been pleading for assistance since the
falling and Genocide in Bangladesh - so In the 1980's latter part The
United States Navy kept Peace to most of Burma and help with Humanity
aid in Bangladesh through Clinton Administration until Communist
groups upsurp the United States Sercret Service and Former President
Clinton fell in Hearing of Impeachment from a Communist set up in a
Hotel Resort in Florida. So again since President Clinton has nothing
to do with a Communist move that only "President Nixon can go to
China" as President Clinton made a move to Vietnam in his Tenue of
Office and yet it was and is Communist - how is The Party move in
Communist going to Unit Vietnam and Myanmar together - who does the
move of Loas and Cambodia - again only President Nixon can go to China
- so lets retrospec to China "Communist China That is" a Country on
The Table in The United Nations as Security - now China ask what are
you Barack Obama doing in our Party? And why is not Burma leading
there Country as they did under the Crown - BURMA is not Communist -
Myanmar is Communist - China has little interest in furthering their
Party without Discussion in The United Nations and with approval with
both National China and The Security Counsel of The United Nations -
The Garrillers "Sect of Sedection" against the Governing Power of
Burma left in the early 2000's and gathered with Communist breakoff of
China during Disenchanted Construction of Facilities of the Olympics
in China and went South and West starting building roads in India and
supply Military to Rebellion against Burma - Myanmar is code for My
airman mirmar - The United States Navy is well aware of the code and
have been quill to the stopage of further Rebellion acts until Hillary
Clinton made a bid and now Mr. Obama - The Elector state That Mr.
Obama has to leave The Country and The Navy shall again settle it back
to Burma.
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