
Tuesday, November 20, 2012

The Elector forbid any further approach by Obama and Clinton of "Noda" as into by Japan of Zionist

As in speaking concerning Burma and attempt of Clinton to Cambodia a
hold by Japan "Noda" and Zionist attacks in Israel is beyond
Friendship and Intercorse of The United States of America Federal
Constitution with taking personal effects of a News Broadcaster of
Freedom of Press by Zionist "Criminal Element or otherwise excessive
force" Such discussion by said ia attempt to treaty with Terroist is
beyond The United States Anti-Terroist effective Death Penalty Act and
in such Obama and Clinton are forbid to do so. Noda - jihad Prime
Minister Yoshihiko Noda "dissolved" (force removal to puppet election)
the Lower House of Parliament on Friday Lower House of Parliament
al-Masharawi, an employee of BBC Arabic in Gaza Israeli "in response
to the Zionist crimes The Israeli military spokeswoman said the houses
of worship were used
as ... hmong daw hungarian indonesian italian "japanese" (see Noda)
korean latvian
criminal Zionist regime and reject the defensive responses of The
United States in chusing favor of "Noda" leading attack on children by
Zionist of Japan Noda - When Moses Mendelssohn died in 1786, the Noda
Biyehuda said that Mendelssohn had the recycled soul of the founder of
Christianity. Both were Jews who brought a Jewish idolatry into the
world and wrought great destruction. The Noda Biyehuda prayed (or,
according to another version of the story, decreed) that the soul
should never come back into the world again. When Herzl founded the
political Zionist movement in 1897, the Shinnover Rebbe said, ¡°The
Noda Biyehuda¡¯s prayer was evidently not accepted. He is back
again!¡± Similarly, Rabbi Meir Simcha of Dvinsk said, ¡°Zionism is a
second Christianity, and Herzl is much worse that the founder of
Christianity.¡± (Om Ani Chomah, Sivan 5734, quoted in Mishkenos
Haro¡¯im p. 391) In the end of days, the Torah foretells in
ParshasNitzavim, the ¡°last generation¡± ofJews, as well as ¡°the
gentile who comes from a faraway land,¡± will see the desolate
condition of Eretz Yisroel and ask, ¡°Why did Hashem do this to this
land? Why was this great anger aroused?¡± And the answer will be that
they worshipped idols (29:23-25). The Brisker Rav commented: The worst
part of the tragedy described here is that the Jews will be just as
ignorant as the gentiles as to what caused the Jewish people¡¯s
problems. But note that only the gentiles from faraway lands will be
ignorant; the gentiles from Eretz Yisroel will know well what the
problem is. In Parshas Vayeilech, the Torah says that the Jews will
repent and say,¡°Surely because my G-d is not in my midst, these evils
have befallen me. A prayer by rising fist to the rising Sun (Leader).
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