
Thursday, June 18, 2015

Nosey continue to work with Gecko and line to Nimrod in and for The United States of America
And he[Nimrod] was overwhelmed by astonishment and detained Ibrahim for seven years. And Salman, a history scholar narrated that: Nimrod commanded two of his lions to be sent in the cell of Abraham, and surprisingly, instead of feasting and feeding on him, they were seen[yalhsaani] licking him and[yasjudaani] prostrating to him. 
Then Nimrod gathered his people to prepare to burn Ibrahim alive in a blazing. So started gathering more firewood from all places they could find. The people were so eager to see Ibrahim's destruction to an extent that, whenever a woman fell sick, she would make a vow to their gods that, should she gets cured, she would go gather and carry more firewood to burn Ibrahim with it. And they were finally commanded to dig a very deep and huge trench. They did and threw all the firewood they accumulated and then inflamed the fire. It began to burn and blaze and its flames got so exceptionally high and they placed him on [manjaneeq]a catapult which was crafted by a man called Hazan. And according to Shuib bunul Jabaae: He was the first man to make it and Allah sunk him deep down the earth and would continue to delve deep down inside the inner core of the earth till the Day of Judgement. Then Nimrod commanded: "harriqoohu!", "burn him!"[ in the blazing fire]. All those who said "harriqoohu" or "burn him!" were drowned deep down this earth by Allah and they would keep delving and 'diving. 
So when they inflamed the fire and were about to throw him inside it, some creatures miraculously lamented to Allah: "…Ya rabbanaa! Ibrahim laisa fee ardika ahdun ya'abuduka gairuhoo, yuhraq bil nari feeka! Fa azin lana nusratihi." That:" O our Lord! apart from Abraham, there will be nobody on your earth to worship to you. Then grant us permission to save him." Then Allah answered them back saying: 
"Fa in istagaatha be shaieen minkum fa agisoohu, wa in lam yada'u gairee, fa ana waliyuhu." That: "If he seek for help from any of you, then help him. But if he will not call anyone then I am his helper." 
Abraham was then threw in the blazing flame at the age of 16[during his prime age-sweet sixteen, as the Americans would say]. And as they drag him to this scary and scorching fire he was reciting: "La ilaaha Ila Anta Subhanaka lakal hamdu walaka mulku la sharika lak" that: "There is no God but You! To You be the Glory! All thanks belong to You! All Kingdom belong to You! You have no partner!". So upon placing him on the catapult and threw him in the now blazing fire, he began to recite: "Hasbuna Lahu wani'amal Wakeel!", that: "Allah is enough for us to rely upon". 
And in a hadith narrated by Abu Hurairah that the prophet[PBUH] revealed that: "When Ibrahim was thrown into the blazing fire, he said: Alahumah! Innaka fil samaae wahidun wa ana wahidun A'abuduk", That: "O Allah! You are the Only One in the Heaven and I am the only one on earth that worship You". 
The fire was so hot that historian said: A bird flying over from a far distance in the sky above it would be burnt. 
In a hadith narrated by Imam Ahmed: a woman once entered into the house of Aisha[wife of the prophet[PBUH] and saw a [rumuh] spear or pike. She asked about it and Aisha replied: We use it to kill [wazag] gecko. And she disclosed to her that: The prophet[PBUH] said in a hadith that: "When Ibrahim was thrown into the fire all beasts and animals were trying to put off the fire, except gecko, which was rather fanning the fire. That Nosey the Mouse of Perea Adminstration prayed for Field Director Geoko has arrived to Protect the City Builder Nimrod to Protect The Cities of The United States of America.

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