Thursday, November 29, 2012

zebrafish have the ability to regenerate fins, skins, the heart and the brain "Stem Cell"

Various kinds of food like fresh market prawns, bee shrimps, crickets,
cockroaches, mealworms, frogs, feeders fish, centipedes, pellets and
such are some sources of food The zebrafish is omnivorous, and it
primarily eats zooplankton, insects, and phytoplankton. The zebrafish,
Danio rerio, is a tropical freshwater fish belonging tothe minnow
family ( Cyprinidae ) of order Cypriniformes. It is a popular aquarium
fish, frequently sold under the trade name zebra danio , and is an
important vertebrate model organism in scientific research. It is
particularly notable for its regenerative abilities. inbred strains,
stem cell lines, and methods of transformation daughter cell It is
particularly notable for its regenerative abilities. Cell resulting
from the replication and division of a single parent cell. What is a
daughter cell? When a cell divides it produces twonew cells, Daughter
Cells. These are identicle to the parent cell in every way exept size
(Nb not true for the first divisions of cell that will become a
multicellular organism). To separate, the parent cell must replicate
all its DNA so that both the daughters have a full Genetic Code. The
DNA is stored within a nucleus (in Eukaryotes, not bacteria etc) and
just before the cell splits there are two nuclei in it. These nuclei
move through the cytoplasm to the most separate points in the cell,
stretching the cell out into a an oval shape. Once this has happend
this has happend the middle of the cell shrinks until the two sides
meat. Think of it like having a long sausage shaped balloon with a
peice of string looped around it. If you pull the string tighter the
balloon shrkins in the middle. When the two sides of the parent cell
meat they Fuse forming the two new daughter cells. Topping that list
is the fishes' inexplicable ability to regrow brain cells . omnivorous
zebrafish have the ability to regenerate fins, skins, the heart and
the brain An Omnivore , meaning 'all-eater' ( Latin omni , vorare :
"all, everything", "to devour"), is a polyphage (" many foods ")
species that is a consumer of a variety of material as significant
food sources in their natural diet. These foods may include plants ,
animals , algae and fungi .
Omnivores often are opportunistic, general feeders with neither
carnivore nor herbivore specializations for acquiring or processing
food, and are capable ofconsuming and do consume both animal protein
and vegetation. Many omnivores depend on a suitable mix of animal and
plant food for long-term good health and reproduction.

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